Log and Manage
Information from your
On-Stite Team

Bitacora.io enables hundreds of field teams to upload information to create reports and analytics.

↓ iOS ↓ Android Web

Used by teams in:

Who is Bitacora.io for?

People and teams with activities in the field who want to save time and improve their workflows to grow.

  • Capture Information
    Easily record your activities, times, and evidence, and stay organized.
  • Automatic reports
    Create PDF reports of all your activities instantly and save time.
  • Work from wherever you are
    You don’t have to get to the office at the end of the day, work without internet and sync afterwards.
  • Work in real time
    Don’t wait any longer to receive information about your projects and make better & faster decisions.
  • Monitor with ease
    In one place, discover different aspects of your team and the activities they do.
  • Improve company performance
    With data you can know where there are areas to improve and prevent problems.
  • Review hours worked instantly
    Check the time spent on each activity in real time and in detail by project and person.
  • Improve team performance
    Stay on top of staff activities and find out where they can improve.
  • Develop your workforce
    Provide a tool to make your job and theirs easier and more professional.

What activities benefit?

Those that are done away from a desk and information is important.

Instant Communication and Reporting

Don’t waste time creating or waiting to receive reports. Digitize the work in the field to have all the information ready to create progress reports, payment requests, work evidence and calculation of hours worked by your team.

✨ Tools

  • Auto PDF Reports
  • GPS location
  • Internet Not Required
  • Scheduled Tasks

Incident Monitoring and Supervision

Manage your team and their reports in their shifts. Keep order of the incidents and observations of your staff to follow up and deliver evidence of their work. Use GPS features to make sure rounds and activities were completed. At the end of the day view reports of hours and activities.

✨ Tools

  • PDF Reports
  • GPS Tracking
  • QR Codes
  • Alerts
  • Roles

Incident Control and Personnel Management

Manages buildings and the operational team having in one place the vision of the incidents, resources used and hours recorded in each activity. Improve incident follow-up with assigned scheduled tasks and keep an eye on misuse of resources or unperformed tasks.

✨ Tools

  • PDF Reports
  • QR Codes
  • Alerts
  • Roles


capture offline

Work without internet


create digital forms

Customize formats

PDF Reports

create PDF reports

Automatic Reporting


get metrics and analytics

Measure performance


view tasks progress

Assign activities


email and whatsapp alerts

App, email, WhatsApp

Capture all Field Activity.

Forget about sorting and organizing informations trapped in emails, papers or WhatsApp. All your information is organized automatically in one place in real-time.

  • Internet Not Required
  • Upload Images, Voice Notes and Files
  • Log Date and GPS Locations
  • Log Inventory, Personnel or any Activity

Create Automated Reports

Win back your time otherwise spent building reports. Create PDFs with fotos or export any data you wish to Excel. Share reports and optimize your workflows.

Monitor your Team and Activities.

Don’t worry and know the who, when, where and what about your projects. Visualize everything in one place with map view, gallery and details of your tasks.

  • Map View + GPS
  • Image Gallery
  • Advanced Filters

Your Data,

  • Files saved on your device and cloud.
  • Changes and deletions backed. ( Version-Control )
  • User Roles, control read and write accesses.
  • Use your own servers and databases. *

Flexible Prices and Plans

Prices in USD per month
See local payment methods and annual discounts


Contact us to customize features and plans to your business needs and challenges

Contact Us

Tailor-made plan
Low quote

or via WhatsApp


All in Advanced +
Custom Solutions
Experto Training
Opportunity Analysis
Dedicated Support


For companies that need to automate and optimize processes and manage people


USD /month per organization
$756 annual charge

5 users included
$7 per additional user


All in Pro +
Digital Signature
External Links
Work & HR Time-sheet
Personnel Directory
Graphs and Metrics
Task Board
Custom Alerts
… and more


For teams that need to manage projects with advanced tools, queries and reports


USD /month per organization
$378 annual charge

3 users included
$5 per additional user


All in Personal +
PDF Pro Reports
Advanced Search
Work Time-sheet
Task Creator
Map View


For people and collaborators who need basic capture and reporting functions


USD /month per organization
$108 annual charge

1 user included
$5 per additional user


All in Free +
Sync Files and Photos
PDF Reports
Basic Search
Export your Data


For people who want to capture and organize their activity information in one place


USD /month per user

1 user included
Does not allow adding users


One user
Text only
Unlimited logs

Optional add-on modules
Add more functionality to your organization.


WhatsApp Alerts

Set up custom notifications by WhatsApp. Create rules to notify about important events directly to your collaborators or clients through WhatsApp.


QR Codes

Use QR codes to facilitate the capture of information or activities and to identify people and objects on site. Accelerates the capture and monitoring process.


GPS Tracking & Routing

Have clarity about the work done in the field by visualizing the location and routes completed in different activities. Monitor your remote team in real time.


Custom Forms

Digitize your forms with your own fields – eliminate the use of paper and have all your information organized instantly.

👤 Price per user

You may be asking...

Does it work if I'm offline, without Internet?

Yes, just log in to your account once and start logging.

If you loose Internet, your data is stored in your device and is synced up to the cloud once you gain connection again.

What type of information can I capture?

You can log any comment, onservation or progress as as General Log or capture specific events like Inventory movement or Personnel activity.

Can I create reports or export my data?

Yes, you can do advanced searches in your information, by key word, tags, dates and more, and generate PDF or Excel Reports, customize them with logos, aditional text and templates.